Is Vue Frontend or Backend?

So, you want to know if Vue is considered a frontend or backend framework? Well, Vue is 100% a frontend framework and in this article, we are going to explain why.

I know it can be a bit confusing as a beginner to distinguish programming jargon, so in this article, we are going to try and keep the information as clear and understandable as possible.

So without further ado, let’s jump in!

What Is A Frontend Framework?

A frontend framework is simply a package of code that helps you to build frontend applications. You can think of that package of code as a set of tools [made out of code] that allow you to build out a frontend quickly.

A frontend [the part of the site we use the framework for] consists of the logic, structure, design, behavior, and animation of everything you see on the screen.

That means that every button, form, text, and pop-up are frontend elements. Their styling and their behavior are also a part of this frontend. So when you see a pop-up form like this on a page and you exit out, you’re interacting with the frontend logic.

In the gif above, the image in the background, the styling of the pop-up box and the reason pressing the x button makes it go away, is all frontend responsibilities.

Why Is Vue Considered a Frontend Framework?

Vue is considered a frontend framework because it provides tools to help you handle all of these issues gracefully. You can create everything you see in the gif above [and a lot more] with the Vue framework. Albeit, it won’t be able to populate new data [that’s a backend responsibility]. Regardless, Vue is a frontend framework because it contains a package of tool used to make creating something like the above gif easier than with plain HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It provides tools like state management, JavaScript templating, testing suites and so much more.

Ultimately, if this stuff doesn’t make much sense to you now, it’s because you need to learn a frontend framework like Vue.

Why Isn’t Vue Considered A Backend Framework?

Simply put, Vue is not a backend framework because it provides no tools to help you build a backend. There is no way to communicate with a database while using Vue. Which is exactly what a backend language is for. That is not why Vue was built, nor will it ever be used for this.

Summary: Is Vue Frontend or Backend?

Vue is a frontend framework that provides a set of tools. These tools help you build the components, design and logic used on the frontend. Vue is not a backend language. This is simply because there is no way to use it as a way to communicate with a database. The key differentiator between a frontend and backend language.

If you are a new programmer and want to learn Vue, check out this best-selling course!

Grant Darling

Grant is a full-stack / frontend software developer passionate about writing & coding. He has many years experience working in the tech industry both as a freelancer and as an employee.

The Code Bytes is all about providing people with honest information about programming. To learn more about Grant, read his about page!

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